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Go from distraction to impact...
Search Inside Yourself.
Move your impact from one -to- many...
To be a better leader - see things differently.
"Move from having doubts -to- calm clear confidence...
Restructure your brain connections and neural pathways for high performance.
"As the size of the challenge escalates - the need for meaningful connections elevates.
Knowing how to regulate your attention and emotions under pressure - can mean the difference between your people being compliant - or- committed.
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we work with leaders to elevate and accelerate their impact value.

Elite performer’s are always searching for a new ‘edge’ to acquire.
They want a coach that provides candid feedback – and – an unrelenting belief in their potential to perform to another level… even under pressure.
We are the executive coaching platform for leaders, teams and athletes that care about finding that ‘edge’.
We specialise in helping our clients face into the uncertainty and ambiguity of constant pressure. We utilise the RED2Blue mindset model to help gain insight for practical, leadership and team habits that will enable you to win when the going gets rough – and – – the competition get angry. Together with our international business alliance – Tignum – we ignite talented executives to discover and stay in peak performance mode – ensuring they can adapt to deal with ever increasing business pressures. We have invested in the science, systems and skills to help you and your organisation stay at the leading edge of performance .– push your boundaries : accelerate your impact.

Leadership Identity;

a unique exec coaching adventure & expedition to transform everyday leaders into ridiculously amazing ones!

The Process

Completed over 12 Months.

You begin with your very own performance coach to shape and design goals that will help elevate you to another level. After a few months of dedication and commitment – you may be invited into the challenge of the Leadership id adventure – held in one of our many challenge locations.

More than just the mechanics of a classroom – the LEADERSHIP id Adventure demands the character and habits to push your boundaries – preparation/mindset/nutrition/movement/recovery. Be challenged with high altitudes, team dynamics and being immersed in ‘the character of local culture’.

It requires commitment, preparation and a fearlessness to be yourself. The way you think, feel and ‘attack’ your many pressures, the way you respond – as they ‘attack’ you – this defines your LEADERSHIP id. [ LEADERSHIP identity ]

The Challenge

Leadership is about ownership of your impact – that is, your personal identity, character, various relationships, judgements under pressure and unrelenting commitment to the results.

Participants operate and perform various leadership roles in an unfamiliar environment that is ambiguous, often volatile and crowded with both ‘age old’ and modern performance pressures.

The Leadership id exec coaching experience is designed to reveal and debate deeply held beliefs, perspectives and ideas on what it takes to be a truly great – purposeful leader. What’s limiting you now- may well be as important as what you need to do next.

The Coaching process and Adventure challenge is built to heighten personal awareness, strength of character, increase conceptual competence and create pragmatic perspectives and ‘habit-maps’ useful for business.

The Insight

Immerse for approx. 21 days
Develop an extraordinarily capable sense of self and a mindset that is deeply content, empathic and happy – despite conditions.

When people are immersed in remote, unique and unforgiving locations – they find their character and senses are fully ignited to search deep inside themselves, and explore innovative new perspectives on life – and- leadership.

Practice mindfulness in the mountains. Know how you want to BE under pressure – and deliberately map it out. Design your habits.

Live with – and like – the locals.
Understand the challenges that plague and test the resolve of local cultures and how they attempt to meet these challenges. Build the understanding and competence to apply what you learn. Design your habits.

Be inspired by stories of ancient innovation, leadership resilience and both individual and collective determination. Design your identity.


Once we are home.
To experience is one thing – to put the meaning of that experience into practice – is what really matters. That is why practicing what we have learned and to teach others is vital. Be your habits.

Participants of the LEADERSHIP id project are each charged with particular – and – specific responsibilities to complete inside of their own organization’s once they return from their remote location.
Own your Habits & Commitments.

These activities form part of the insight and assessment process to discover just how far each individual has come on their personal leadership development adventure.

Continue your next chapter in the adventure – of living out your LEADERSHIP identity.

100's of customers inspired to be better in thousands of different ways. Expand your PERIPHERALVISION.