Ultimately, this clearly leads to better leaders, better talents and better teams.
“Dealing with the extreme nature of my job I feel much better equipped with the tools and the techniques I learned from PERIPHERALVISION. I feel myself, and the team, have more energy and focus. I just feel better. They feel better. We just make better choices and have better relationships now. The PERIPHERALVISION experience has made a big difference to me and my team – and I don’t say that lightly.” CEO INVESTMENT & FINANCE COMPANY
2 YEARS LATER THE SAME CEO SAID // “When my team worked with PERIPHERALVISION two years ago we were struggling to stay together as a team and that was impacting the business big time. Now, two years later, the demands are greater, the speed is faster, the stakes are higher and my team is running stronger than ever. You guys had a big part in this transformation. What I had tried previously – just couldn’t do it.”
“And just let me say, you guys rock. I truly believe in what you guys are doing. It has changed my life for the better. I have gotten more from the way you have structured this course [ Sustainable High Performance for individuals ] than possibly all other courses I have completed. Your approach is so simple and pragmatic and, it has a massive impact on personal energy, confidence and performance. If I can ever do anything to assist your cause just let me know.” TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE
“Completing the preparation and training was one thing, then trekking the Andes was another, and then – a completely contrasting experience, the Amazon jungle. After the challenges of altitude and the trail through the mountains, and trying to communicate with non-english speaking people and kids of the Sacred Valley, I wasn’t sure of what to expect and more importantly, what I might gain from the jungle. Almost from the very first moment you hit the river, the isolation is obvious to say the least and nothing like I have experienced before. To sit in a long, timber boat with sides only centimetres from the rapid waters of the mighty Manu river, in the middle of no-where, smack bang in the middle of a tropical thunder storm is truly an exhilarating experience. Even though we were a small collective group, I found many moments where I was entirely alone – alone with my thoughts – and for the first time, I began to understand many of the self-imposed limits that I had created for myself. Perhaps a little slow on the uptake – I am now more mindful and a regular user of many of the tools that I learnt in the Performance phase. You have unlocked something – even more potential in myself – that I wasn’t aware existed.” MANAGING DIRECTOR.
“The one thing that you guys don’t understand about what you do, is that you actually save lives – in particular – you saved my life. Seriously. Thank you!” ANZ TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE
“Just a note on the Leadership id Project – I think it’s been a really great opportunity that I have been provided with – to learn more about myself, my passion, my capacity and, my capabilities as a leader. I have appreciated the style, pace and particularly challenging approach taken within the context of the project. I recognise that this approach won’t be for every leader and some may not appreciate the opportunity they’ve been given, but from me – simply – thank you. I have grown as a person through this and been able to apply the learning’s inside and outside of work more than I could have understood prior to beginning. I really hope the project continues way beyond the current adventure – I feel we’re only just beginning.” ANZ EXECUTIVE
Address 63 MURRAY ST, WILSTON. QLD. 4051
Copyright © Peripheral Vision 2015 Brisbane Australia