WHY / /
We assert – The simple goal of all teams :
…to maximise the abilities and capacities of everyone on the team.
Imagine the outcome of maximising abilities of everyone on your team… would that more likely increase your chances of reaching the results that you and the team desire? The principle is – we don’t control results – we only control our actions and processes in pursuit of those results. In pursuing such a goal as defined above – you begin to understand how to create and sustain a competitive edge. A ‘competitive edge’ implies uniqueness – and as such – unique in thought and approach to pressure, solutions and challenges.
A client asked us to support their team to deliver their transformation at ‘twice the speed and half the cost’. We asked him whether it mattered if most of the team became burnt out – or – if key team members were dropped along the way. Then we asked, “What if you could achieve the target – and we build in a third target – which had to be that everyone on the team ended this project 10 per cent stronger?” Suddenly… he understood the importance of sustainable human performance and how it applied to individuals – as well as to the team. This new way of thinking… makes the impossible – possible.
When you assemble a group of individuals as a team – you are really looking to expand your capacity – to create an environment where productivity can thrive – and maximise your results impact. In day to day reality – this doesn’t really happen often. The core mindset driver of individuals – ‘independence’ – is achievement. Independent achievement… not collective achievement. Organisational leaders and teams are continually troubled to get teams to work because of a simple flaw in their thinking – they mistake ‘people interacting with one another’… as collaboration – but it most often manifests as your idea Vs mine. Not – how do we maximise our abilities, ideas and options to create a previously un-seen solution to this situation challenge.
WHAT / /
Build confidence in The TEAM DNA – the collective genetic code of this group of individuals and how they work together to exchange energy – gifts and capacities.
We coach team and individuals to explore the mindsets, maturity and habits that support the goal of maximising the abilities and capacities on the team. We share examples, stories and cutting edge human science so that they can install a ‘WE > me’ DNA.
When we each maximise our personal character, confidence, concentration agility and emotional capacities – we form a collective confidence to let go of limits, a collective identity to experiment and rapidly learn – and therefore – unprecedented impact. Team dynamics and behaviour should be something beyond the ‘independent average’ – to being ‘abnormal’ – because being normal or average is where everyone else is at. Be daring. Be different.
_ Do your teams need to make decisions under pressure?
_ Do you have really sharp individuals that need to learn to work with each other differently to maximise impact?
_ Does your business currently have strategic initiatives to execute?
_ Are your most important people required to travel?
_ Do you have key strategic events mapped for delivery? [ e.g. projects / presentations / sales pitch / culture ]
_ Is your business required to achieve more using less?
_ Would you like to create a competitive advantage with the critical teams in your business?
Address 63 MURRAY ST, WILSTON. QLD. 4051
Copyright © Peripheral Vision 2015 Brisbane Australia